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The Marketing Scales Handbooks

Volume 3 Table of Contents*

Below is a listing of the new and/or updated scales included in Volume 3 of the Marketing Scales Handbook. Please note there are several instances of entries with the same title (e.g., #5-#9). As with the first two volumes, these represent distinctly different measures of the same construct. In contrast, usage of the same or similar measures in different studies have been reviewed together.

Consumer Behavior scales

1. Affect (General)
2. Affect (Music)
3. Affect Intensity
4. Affective Response (Evaluation of Service Environment)
5. Affective Response (Negative)
6. Affective Response (Negative)
7. Affective Response (Negative)
8. Affective Response (Negative)
9. Affective Response (Negative)
10. Affective Response (Positive)
11. Affective Response (Positive)
12. Affective Response (Positive)
13. Affective Response (Positive)
14. Affective Response (Positive)
15. Affective Response (Positive)
16. Affective Response to Waiting
17. Air Pollution (Social Norms)
18. Alienation (Consumer)
19. Amused
20. Anger
21. Anticipated Interaction With Salesperson
22. Anticipated Negative Consequences
23. Anxiety State
24. Anxious
25. Arousal
26. Arousal
27. Arousal
28. Arousal
29. Attitude Toward Complaining (Personal Norms)
30. Attitude Toward Cosmetic Pharmaceuticals
31. Attitude Toward Coupon Use
32. Attitude Toward Drug Use
33. Attitude Toward New Uses for Product
34. Attitude Toward Nicotine Patch
35. Attitude Toward Ordering Option
36. Attitude Toward Political Candidate
37. Attitude Toward Store Background Music
38. Attitude Toward the Act (Semantic Differential)
39. Attitude Toward the Bank
40. Attitude Toward the Brand
41. Attitude Toward the Brand
42. Attitude Toward the Brand (Food)
43. Attitude Toward The Brand (Status)
44. Attitude Toward the Brand (Unipolar)
45. Attitude Toward the Brand Name
46. Attitude Toward the Business (Originality)
47. Attitude Toward the Business (Overall)
48. Attitude Toward the Conservation Activity
49. Attitude Toward the English Language
50. Attitude Toward The Object
51. Attitude Toward The Offer
52. Attitude Toward the Organization
53. Attitude Toward The Product/Brand (Semantic Differential)
54. Attitude Toward the Spanish Language
55. Attitude Toward The Service Provider
56. Attribute Favorability
57. Attribution of Blame
58. Authority
59. Behavioral Intention
60. Behavioral Intention
61. Behavioral Intention (External Response)
62. Body Consciousness (Public)
63. Brand Beliefs for a Luxury Sedan (Comparative)
64. Brand Beliefs for a Luxury Sedan (Noncomparative)
65. Brand Consciousness
66. Brand Consciousness
67. Brand Differences
68. Brand Equity
69. Brand Familiarity
70. Brand Loyalty
71. Brand Loyalty
72. Brand Personality (Competence)
73. Brand Personality (Excitement)
74. Brand Personality (Ruggedness)
75. Brand Personality (Sincerity)
76. Brand Personality (Sophistication)
77. Brand Preference
78. Budget Constraints
79. Calm
80. Choice Confusion
81. Choice Task Meaningfulness
82. Clothing Concern
83. Clothing Style Preference
84. Collectivism (Coworkers)
85. Collectivism (Parents)
86. Commitment (Organizational)
87. Commitment (Store)
88. Comparison Shopping (Check Prices)
89. Comparison Shopping (Initial Routine)
90. Comparison Shopping (Multiple Stores)
91. Comparison Shopping (Product Attributes)
92. Comparison Shopping (Routine)
93. Comparison Shopping (Unit Prices)
94. Complaint Intentions (Private)
95. Complaint Intentions (Third Party)
96. Complaint Intentions (Voice)
97. Complaint Likelihood (Direct)
98. Confidence (Task)
99. Conformity Motivation (Consumption)
100. Conservation (Energy)
101. Contribution to Purchase Decision (Initiation Stage)
102. Contribution to Purchase Decision (Search/Decision Stage)
103. Cooperation
104. Cosmetics Use
105. Country-of-Origin Image (People)
106. Country-of-Origin Image (Similarity)
107. Country-of-Origin Product Image (Cars)
108. Country-of-Origin Product Image (Desirable Attributes)
109. Country-of-Origin Product Image (Desirable Blender Attributes)
110. Country-of-Origin Product Image (Distribution/Advertising)
111. Country-of-Origin Product Image (General)
112. Country-of-Origin Product Image (Positive Blender Attributes)
113. Country-of-Origin Product Image (Undesirable Attributes)
114. Country-of-Origin Product Image (Undesirable Blender Attributes)
115. Coupon Use (Economic Benefits)
116. Coupon Use (Others)
117. Coupon Use (Time Costs)
118. Coupon Use Limitations
119. Cultural Openness
120. Dangerous
121. Dangerous
122. Deal Opportunities (Grocery)
123. Deal Proneness
124. Deal Proneness (In-Store Promotions)
125. Decision Action-Control Orientation
126. Decision Maker Role (Major Products for Family)
127. Decision Maker Role (Minor Products for Child)
128. Decision Maker Role (Minor Products for Family)
129. Decision-Making Style
130. Delay Duration
131. Disconfirmation (Museum Services)
132. Discount Age Segmentation Cue
133. Discount Credibility
134. Discount Usage (Perceived Self-Devaluation)
135. Discount Usage (Perceived Stigma)
136. Discount Usage Intention
137. Discount Usage Social Visibility
138. Dominance
139. Dominant Language (Spanish)
140. Economic Threat (Domestic)
141. Economic Threat (Personal)
142. Emotion (Empathy)
143. Emotion (Negative)
144. Emotion (Positive)
145. Energy Problems (Attribution of Responsibility)
146. Entitlement
147. Environmental Paradigm
148. Ethical Perspective (Idealism)
149. Ethical Perspective (Relativism)
150. Ethicality (Moral Equity/Relativism Dimension)
151. Ethnic Identification
152. Ethnocentrism (CETSCALE)
153. Exhibitionism
154. Experiential Response to Music
155. Exploitativeness
156. Exploratory Consumer Tendencies
157. External Search (Friends' Advice)
158. Exuberance
159. Familiarity of Purchase Situation
160. Family Meal Importance
161. Family Resources (Intangible)
162. Family Resources (Tangible)
163. Family Stressors
164. Fan Loyalty
165. Fashion Consciousness
166. Fear
167. Financial Health
168. Flattery
169. Frustration
170. Glamorous
171. Grandiosity
172. Grocery Market Knowledge
173. Grocery Market Knowledge (Price)
174. Grocery Market Knowledge (Specialty Departments)
175. Helplessness
176. Heroic
177. Homemaker Pride
178. Identification With Organization
179. Imagery Quantity
180. Imaginal Response to Music
181. Imaginary Audience
182. Impulse Buying
183. Impulse Buying
184. Impulse Buying
185. Impulse Buying
186. Impulse Buying (Music)
187. Innovativeness
188. Innovativeness (Domain Specific)
189. Intellectual Environment
190. Intention to Use Credit Card
191. Interpersonal Influence Susceptibility
192. Intolerance for Ambiguity
193. Involvement (Cents-Off Offers)
194. Involvement (Contests/Sweepstakes)
195. Involvement (Coupons)
196. Involvement (Coupons)
197. Involvement (Coupons)
198. Involvement (Coupons)
199. Involvement (Ego)
200. Involvement (End-of-Aisle Displays)
201. Involvement (Enduring)
202. Involvement (Environment)
203. Involvement (Experimental Task)
204. Involvement (Premiums)
205. Involvement (Product Class)
206. Involvement (Product Class)
207. Involvement (Product Class)
208. Involvement (Product-Related Pleasure)
209. Involvement (Product-Related Relevance)
210. Involvement (Product-Related Risk Importance)
211. Involvement (Product-Related Risk Probability)
212. Involvement (Product-Related Sign)
213. Involvement (Rebates)
214. Involvement (Sales Promotion Deals)
215. Involvement (Sales)
216. Involvement (Situational)
217. Involvement (Televised Soccer Game)
218. Involvement (Two-For-One Deals)
219. Justice (Distributive)
220. Justice (Interactional)
221. Justice (Procedural)
222. Knowledge (Cars)
223. Knowledge (Product Class)
224. Knowledge (Product Class)
225. Knowledge (Product Class)
226. Love (Romantic)
227. Love (Tender)
228. Loyalty (Organizational)
229. Loyalty Proneness
230. Market Maven
231. Marriage Role Attitude
232. Materialism (Centrality)
233. Materialism (Happiness)
234. Materialism (Student)
235. Materialism (Success)
236. Mood
237. Mood (Global)
238. Need for Cognition
239. Need to Reexperience Music
240. Normative Evaluation
241. Normativeness of Situation (Sending Card)
242. Nostalgia Proneness
243. Opinion Leadership (Domain Specific)
244. Opinion Leadership (Domain Specific)
245. Opinion Seeking (Domain Specific)
246. Optimism
247. Ordering Option Beliefs (Ease of Use)
248. Ordering Option Beliefs (Fun)
249. Ordering Option Beliefs (Performance)
250. Organizational Prestige
251. Participation
252. Patriotism/Conservatism
253. Performance (Service Provider)
254. Personal Fable Coping Response (Drug Usage)
255. Pleasantness
256. Pleasure
257. Pleasure
258. Prepurchase Planning (Grocery Shopping)
259. Pressures to be Thin
260. Price Consciousness
261. Price Dispersion (Grocery Stores)
262. Price Dispersion (Grocery Stores/Products)
263. Price Perception
264. Price-Consciousness
265. Price-Prestige Relationship
266. Product Evaluation
267. Product Evaluation
268. Product Evaluation (Beverage)
269. Product Evaluation (Camera)
270. Product Evaluation (Food)
271. Product Evaluation (Food)
272. Product Experience
273. Product Experience
274. Program Liking
275. Program Reality
276. Program Relevance
277. Provision of Extras (Service Provider)
278. Purchase Intention
279. Purchase Intention
280. Purchase Intention (Service)
281. Purchase Involvement (Affective)
282. Purchase Involvement (Cognitive)
283. Quality (Apartment)
284. Quality Consciousness
285. Quality of Service Environment (Stadium)
286. Rage
287. Repatronage Intentions
288. Resource Expenditures
289. Response Difficulty
290. Responsiveness to Patient Requests (Medication)
291. Risk (Financial)
292. Risk (Performance)
293. Risk Attraction
294. Risk Aversion
295. Risk Aversion
296. Sadness
297. Sadness
298. Salesperson Listening (Evaluating)
299. Salesperson Listening (Responding)
300. Salesperson Listening (Sensing)
301. Salesperson Typicality Manipulation
302. Satisfaction (Generalized)
303. Satisfaction (Generalized)
304. Satisfaction (Generalized)
305. Satisfaction (Global)
306. Satisfaction (with Activity)
307. Satisfaction (with Health Club)
308. Satisfaction (with Hospital)
309. Satisfaction (with Salesperson)
310. Satisfaction (with Server)
311. Satisfaction (with Store)
312. Satisfaction (with University Selection)
313. Self-Actualization
314. Self-Esteem
315. Self-Esteem
316. Self-Esteem (Appearance)
317. Self-Image Congruence
318. Self-Image Congruence (College Major)
319. Self-Image Congruence (Focal verses Referent Brand)
320. Self-Sufficiency
321. Selling Orientation/Customer Orientation (Customer's Perception of Specific Salesperson)
322. Selling Orientation/Customer Orientation (Customer's Perception of Salespeople in General)
323. Sensation Seeking
324. Server Encounter Behavior (Authenticity)
325. Server Encounter Behavior (Civility)
326. Server Encounter Behavior (Congeniality)
327. Server Encounter Behavior (Conversation)
328. Server Encounter Behavior (Personalization)
329. Server Encounter Behavior (Responsive)
330. Service Evaluation (Airline Cabin Condition)
331. Service Evaluation (Airline Check-In)
332. Service Evaluation (Airline Meal)
333. Service Evaluation (General Airline Flight)
334. Service Quality
335. Service Quality (Assurance)
336. Service Quality (Assurance)
337. Service Quality (Convenience)
338. Service Quality (Empathy)
339. Service Quality (Empathy)
340. Service Quality (Empathy)
341. Service Quality (Employees)
342. Service Quality (Fairness)
343. Service Quality (Global)
344. Service Quality (Global)
345. Service Quality (Health Club)
346. Service Quality (Personal Interaction of Retailer)
347. Service Quality (Personalization)
348. Service Quality (Physical Aspects of Retailer)
349. Service Quality (Reliability of Retailer)
350. Service Quality (Reliability)
351. Service Quality (Reliability)
352. Service Quality (Reliability)
353. Service Quality (Responsiveness)
354. Service Quality (Responsiveness)
355. Service Quality (Responsiveness)
356. Service Quality (Retailer Policy)
357. Service Quality (Retailer Problem Solving)
358. Service Quality (Tangibles)
359. Service Quality (Tangibles)
360. Service Recovery Expectations (Health Club)
361. Shame
362. Shopping Convenience
363. Shopping Enjoyment
364. Shopping Enjoyment
365. Shopping Enjoyment (Grocery)
366. Shopping Enjoyment (Grocery)
367. Shopping Orientation (Acquisition)
368. Shopping Orientation (Recreation)
369. Shopping Value (Hedonic)
370. Shopping Value (Utilitarian)
371. Skepticism
372. Skin Cancer Knowledge
373. Skin Lotion Beliefs
374. Smartness
375. Social Desirability Bias (Marlowe-Crowne)
376. Status Concern
377. Status Consumption
378. Store Design
379. Store Image (Pleasantness)
380. Store Personnel (Quantity & Quality)
381. Superiority
382. Supply Control (Electricity)
383. Support for Customers
384. Time Pressure
385. Time Pressure (Grocery Shopping)
386. Transaction Utility
387. Trust in Salesperson
388. Trust in Source’s Position Toward the Environment
389. Understanding
390. Value (Ability to Judge)
391. Value (Offer)
392. Value (Offer)
393. Value (Offer)
394. Value Consciousness
395. Vanity (Achievement Concern)
396. Vanity (Achievement View)
397. Vanity (Physical Concern)
398. Vanity (Physical View)
399. Variety-Seeking Tendency
400. Variety-Seeking Tendency (Entertainment)
401. Word-of-Mouth Intentions (Negative)
402. Worry

Advertising-Related scales

403. Ad Avoidance (Magazines)
404. Ad Avoidance (Newspapers)
405. Ad Avoidance (Radio)
406. Ad Avoidance (Television)
407. Ad Copy/Ad Picture (Ease of Relating)
408. Ad Copy/Ad Picture (Relevance)
409. Ad Credibility
410. Ad Credibility (Claim)
411. Ad Medium Effectiveness (Enthusiasm)
412. Ad Medium Effectiveness (Sales Impact)
413. Ad Medium Effectiveness (Sales Representatives)
414. Ad Medium Effectiveness (Targeting)
415. Ad Medium Effectiveness (Versatility)
416. Ad Message Involvement
417. Ad Size Manipulation
418. Affective Response to Ad (Fear)
419. Affective Response to Ad (Negative Feelings)
420. Affective Response to Ad (Uneasy Feelings)
421. Affective Response to Ad (Upbeat Feelings)
422. Affective Response to Ad (Warm Feelings)
423. Argument Strength
424. Arousal (Energy)
425. Arousal (Tension)
426. Attitude Toward Advertising
427. Attitude Toward Advertising of Cosmetic Pharmaceuticals
428. Attitude Toward Advertising (Overall)
429. Attitude Toward Advertising (Vehicle Specific)
430. Attitude Toward Direct Marketing
431. Attitude Toward Pharmaceutical Advertising to Consumers
432. Attitude Toward Pharmaceutical Advertising to Physicians
433. Attitude Toward Political Ad (Credibility)
434. Attitude Toward Political Ad (Relevance)
435. Attitude Toward Public Service Announcement
436. Attitude Toward Sex in Advertising
437. Attitude Toward the Ad
438. Attitude Toward the Ad
439. Attitude Toward the Ad (Affective Component)
440. Attitude Toward the Ad (Claim)
441. Attitude Toward the Ad (Cognitions)
442. Attitude Toward the Ad (Cognitive Component)
443. Attitude Toward the Ad (Humor)
444. Attitude Toward the Ad (Non-Claim)
445. Attitude Toward the Ad (Overall)
446. Attitude Toward the Ad (Uni-polar)
447. Attitude Toward the Ad (Uniqueness)
448. Attitude Toward the Advertiser (Semantic Differential)
449. Attitude Toward the Institution of Advertising
450. Attitude Toward the Instruments of Advertising
451. Attitude Toward the TV Commercial
452. Attitude Toward TV Advertising (Disbelief in Ad Claims)
453. Attitude Toward TV Advertising (Frequency and Content)
454. Attitude Toward TV Advertising (Helpfulness)
455. Attitude Toward TV Advertising (Informational Benefits)
456. Attitude Toward TV Advertising (Mistrust of Advertiser Motives)
457. Attitude Toward TV Advertising (Offensive)
458. Attitude Toward TV Advertising (Uninformative)
459. Competitive Ad Influence
460. Credibility
461. Credibility (Manufacturer)
462. Ease of Ad Claim Substantiation
463. Emotional/Rational Appeal
464. Emotional Reaction (Strength)
465. Emotional Reaction to Ad (Strength)
466. Endorser/Product Fit
467. Endorser Status
468. Expertise (Source)
469. External Search (Advertised Specials)
470. External Search (Grocery-Related Articles)
471. External Search (Quantity)
472. Imagery Elaboration
473. Involvement (Advertisement)
474. Involvement (Advertisement)
475. Likability (Source)
476. Persuasiveness of Brochure
477. Pharmaceutical Ad Influence on Prescription Drug-Writing Habits
478. Resource Demands
479. Self-/Brand-Image Congruity
480. Self-Referencing
481. Source Credibility (General)
482. Source Credibility (Trustworthiness)
483. Visual Imaging
484. Vividness
485. Vividness

Organizational Behavior scales

486. Absence of Bottom-Line Orientation
487. Acceptance (Authority/Direction)
488. Acceptance (Performance Reviews)
489. Acceptance (Teamwork/Cooperation)
490. Account Loss Attributions (External)
491. Account Loss Attributions (Internal Ability)
492. Account Loss Attributions (Internal Motivation)
493. Activity Control (Information)
494. Activity Control (Punishments)
495. Activity Control (Rewards)
496. Adaptability (Employee)
497. Adaptation (Product)
498. Adaptation (Promotion)
499. Anticipated Effort (Salesperson)
500. Attitude Toward Salespeople in General
501. Attitude Toward the Product
502. Attitude Toward the Salesperson
503. Attraction (Social)
504. Attraction (Task)
505. Attractiveness (Supplier)
506. Attractiveness (Supplier)
507. Behavioral Intentions to Reciprocate
508. Brand Positioning (Quality)
509. Brand Sales Volume
510. Capability Control (Information)
511. Capability Control (Punishments)
512. Capability Control (Rewards)
513. Career Success
514. Centralization
515. Centralization
516. Centralization
517. Centralization (Gasoline Station Decisions)
518. Centralization (New Product Decisions)
519. Centralization (Sales Force)
520. Challenge
521. Character/Motives (Partner)
522. Coercion (Supplier's Use)
523. Commitment (Compliance)
524. Commitment (Distributor to Relationship with Manufacturer)
525. Commitment (Internalization)
526. Commitment (New Product Success)
527. Commitment (Organizational)
528. Commitment (Organizational)
529. Commitment (Organizational)
530. Commitment to Export Venture
531. Commitment to Manufacturer
532. Commitment to Private Label (Firm)
533. Commitment to Service Quality (Management)
534. Commitment to Supplier
535. Communication (Formality)
536. Communication (Information Exchange)
537. Communication Bidirectionality (Marketing and Engineering)
538. Communication Quality
539. Competitive Intensity
540. Competitive Intensity
541. Conceptual Utilization Processes
542. Conflict (Interdepartmental)
543. Conflict (Supplier)
544. Conflict (With Manufacturer)
545. Conformity (Need for)
546. Confrontive Coping
547. Connectedness (Interdepartmental)
548. Contracting Over Roles (Explicit)
549. Contracting Over Roles (Normative)
550. Control (Interpersonal)
551. Control (Wholesaler Over Retailer)
552. Control System/Goal Differences (Partner)
553. Coordination (With Manufacturer)
554. Coordination Efforts (Behavior-Based)
555. Coordination Efforts (Outcome-Based)
556. Corporate Culture (Communication Openness)
557. Corporate Culture (Flexibility)
558. Corporate Culture (Future-Oriented)
559. Corporate Ethical Values
560. Coworker Competence
561. Creativity (Marketing Program)
562. Cross-Functional Integration
563. Cultural Problems
564. Customer Orientation (SOCO)
565. Decision Difficulty
566. Dependence (Buyer)
567. Dependence (Distributor on Manufacturer)
568. Dependence (Major Supplier on Wholesaler)
569. Dependence (Retailer on Vendor)
570. Dependence (Retailer's Perception of Vendor)
571. Dependence (Supplier)
572. Dependence (Vendor on Retailer)
573. Dependence (Vendor's Perception of Retailer)
574. Dependence (Wholesaler on Major Supplier)
575. Dependence On The Firm (Salesperson)
576. Directed Problem Solving
577. Discretion Usage (Creative)
578. Discretion Usage (Deviant)
579. Discretion Usage (Routine)
580. Distribution Intensity
581. Dynamism (Market)
582. Dynamism (Marketing Program)
583. Dynamism (Strategic Unit)
584. Dysfunctional Behavior (Employee)
585. Emotions (Salesperson Negative)
586. Emotions (Salesperson Positive)
587. Empowerment (Employee)
588. Environmental Dynamism (Technical/Market)
589. Environmental Uncertainty
590. Ethical Climate
591. Ethics Position Questionnaire (Idealism)
592. Ethics Position Questionnaire (Relativism)
593. Evaluation (Behavior Based)
594. Exit Intentions
595. Experience (Commissioning Consulting)
596. Experience (Distributor)
597. Experience (With New Product)
598. Expertise (Salesperson)
599. Export Channel Performance (Economic)
600. Export Channel Performance (Selling)
601. Export Channel Performance (Strategic)
602. Extent of Supervision
603. External Information Source Preference
604. Fairness (Distributive)
605. Fairness (Procedural)
606. Fairness in Reward Allocation
607. Familiarity (Supplier’s Product-Market)
608. Fanciful Escapism
609. Feedback (Coercive Actions)
610. Feedback (Negative)
611. Feedback (Negative Behavioral)
612. Feedback (Nonpunitive Actions)
613. Feedback (Positive)
614. Feedback (Positive Behavioral)
615. Feedback (Positive Output)
616. Feedback (Self-Behavioral)
617. Firm Structure (Coordination)
618. Firm Structure (Control Systems)
619. Firm Structure (Decentralization)
620. Firm Structure (Formalization)
621. Firm Structure (Product Differentiation)
622. Fixed Commitments (Receiving Firm)
623. Flexibility (Parties to Agreement)
624. Flexibility (Supplier Relationship)
625. Forbearance from Opportunism
626. Formalization
627. Formalization
628. Formalization (Gasoline Station Decisions)
629. Formalization (Manufacturer/Dealer Relationship)
630. Formalization (New Product Decisions)
631. Formalization (Planning Process)
632. Formalization (Sales Force)
633. Formalization (Supplier Relationship)
634. Frequency of Contact With Salesperson
635. Good Ethics is Good Business
636. Hazard (Customer Loyalty)
637. Hazard (Job Mobility)
638. Identification (Relative Functional)
639. Indebtedness (Toward Salesperson)
640. Influence Strategy (Information Exchange)
641. Influence Strategy (Legalistic Pleas)
642. Influence Strategy (Promises)
643. Influence Strategy (Recommendations)
644. Influence Strategy (Requests)
645. Influence Strategy (Threats)
646. Information Acquisition Processes
647. Information Exchange (Major Supplier to Wholesaler)
648. Information Exchange (Supplier Relationship)
649. Information Exchange (Wholesaler to Major Supplier)
650. Information Search (Purchasing)
651. Information Sharing (Distortion and Withholding)
652. Information Sharing (Functional)
653. Information Sharing (Norms)
654. Information Transmission Processes
655. Information Use (Manager)
656. Information Use (By Engineering)
657. Innovativeness (New Product)
658. Instrumental Utilization Processes
659. Intangible Attribute Certainty
660. Intangible Attribute Fit
661. Integration (Committees)
662. Integration (Mechanisms)
663. Intent to Leave
664. Intention to Use Again
665. Interdependence (Engineering on Marketing)
666. Interdependence (Marketing on Engineering)
667. Interdependency (Functional)
668. Investment in Relationship
669. Investments (Buyer)
670. Investments (Supplier)
671. Involvement in Self and Surroundings (ISS)
672. Job Creativity
673. Job Description Index (JDI)
674. Job Motivation (Intrinsic)
675. Job Risk-Taking
676. Judgment Quality (Partner)
677. Knowledge of Product/Customer
678. Knowledge of Product/Customer
679. Likability (Salesperson)
680. Logistical Services (Level)
681. Long-term Orientation (Retailer)
682. Long-term Orientation (Vendor)
683. Machiavellianism (Mach IV)
684. Manipulation (By Salesperson)
685. Manufacturer Control
686. Market Intelligence (New Product)
687. Market Intelligence Quality (PIQ)
688. Market Intelligence Use
689. Market Orientation
690. Market Potential (New Product)
691. Market Volatility
692. Marketing Intelligence (Dissemination)
693. Marketing Intelligence (Generation)
694. Marketing Mix Problems
695. Mentoring Ability and Willingness
696. Middleman Expenditures
697. Monitoring of Supplier
698. Motivation (Extrinsic)
699. Motivation (Intrinsic)
700. Motivation to Plan Marketing (Intrinsic)
701. Motivational Orientation (Learning)
702. Motivational Orientation (Performance)
703. Negative Avoidance
704. New Product Development Integration(Engineering Involvement)
705. New Product Development Integration (Information Exchange)
706. New Product Development Integration (Marketing Involvement)
707. New Product Development Proficiency(Commercialization)
708. New Product Development Proficiency (Idea Generation and Screening)
709. New Product Development Proficiency (Marketing)
710. New Product Development Proficiency (Opportunity Analysis)
711. New Product Development Proficiency (Product Testing)
712. New Product Development Proficiency (Technical Development)
713. New Product Success (Relative)
714. Novelty (New Product)
715. Openers
716. Organizational Bureaucratization
717. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Civic Virtue)
718. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Global)
719. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Helping)
720. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Sportsmanship)
721. Organizational Culture (Adhocracy)
722. Organizational Culture (Clan)
723. Organizational Culture (Hierarchy)
724. Organizational Culture (Market)
725. Organizational Culture Index (Bureaucratic)
726. Organizational Culture Index (Innovative)
727. Organizational Culture Index (Supportive)
728. Organizational Memory Dispersion
729. Organizational Memory Level
730. Organization’s Commitment to Learning
731. Organization’s Open-Mindedness
732. Organization’s Shared Vision/Purpose
733. Orientation (Technology)
734. Output Control (Information)
735. Output Control (Punishments)
736. Output Control (Rewards)
737. Output Controls
738. Participation in Decision-making (Supplier Relationship)
739. Participation (Leadership Style)
740. Participative Decision-Making
741. Patent Protection
742. Pay as a Control Mechanism
743. Performance (Behavioral)
744. Performance (Company)
745. Performance (Departmental)
746. Performance (Growth/Share)
747. Performance (Information Gathering)
748. Performance (Market Share)
749. Performance (Meeting Sales Objectives)
750. Performance (Meeting Sales Objectives)
751. Performance (New Product)
752. Performance (New Product)
753. Performance (New Product Profitability)
754. Performance (New Product Sales)
755. Performance (Profitability)
756. Performance (Relative)
757. Performance (Sales Expense Control)
758. Performance (Sales Force Financial)
759. Performance (Sales Presentation Planning)
760. Performance (Salesperson)
761. Performance (Salesperson)
762. Performance (Salesperson Objective Outcomes)
763. Performance (Salesperson Paper Inputs)
764. Performance (Salesperson Self-Report)
765. Performance (Salesperson Self-Report)
766. Performance (Salesperson Subjective Inputs)
767. Performance (Supplier Demand Stimulation)
768. Performance (Supplier Relationship)
769. Performance (Supplier Support)
770. Performance (Supplier’s Logistical Services)
771. Performance (Supplier’s Product Support)
772. Performance (Supplier’s Sales Support)
773. Performance (Wholesaler)
774. Performance Ambiguity
775. Performance Control (External)
776. Performance Control (Internal)
777. Performance Documentation
778. Person – Organization Fit
779. Physical Distribution Service Quality(Availability)
780. Physical Distribution Service Quality (Condition)
781. Physical Distribution Service Quality (Timeliness)
782. Planning (Account)
783. Planning (Territory)
784. Planning for the Sale
785. Positive Reinterpretation
786. Power (Coercive)
787. Power (Dealer – Supplier Symmetry)
788. Power (Expert)
789. Power (Functional Unit)
790. Power (Information)
791. Power (Legitimate)
792. Power (Referent)
793. Power (Reward)
794. Power (Salesperson)
795. Prior Experience (Purchase)
796. Proactive Focus (Purchasing)
797. Procedural Control
798. Procedural Knowledge
799. Process Control
800. Product Development (Customer Involvement)
801. Product Development (Use of Supplier)
802. Product Differentiation
803. Product Line Sophistication
804. Product Quality
805. Product Relative Advantage
806. Product Relative Costs
807. Product Similarity (To Competition)
808. Profits Are Not Paramount
809. Promotion From Within
810. Promotion Opportunity
811. Psychological Distance
812. Purchase Importance
813. Purchase Importance
814. Qualification of Supplier (Ability)
815. Qualification of Supplier (Motivation)
816. Quality (Relationship)
817. Quantitative Analysis (Purchasing)
818. Reaction Aggressiveness
819. Relational Norms (Conflict Harmonization)
820. Relational Norms (Flexibility)
821. Relational Norms (Solidarity)
822. Relationalism (Mutuality)
823. Relationalism (Role Integrity)
824. Relationalism (Solidarity)
825. Relationship Continuity Expectation
826. Relationship Effectiveness (Marketing with Engineering)
827. Relationship Flexibility
828. Relationship Investment & Communication Openness (RICOMM)
829. Relationship With Product Planners (Effectiveness)
830. Replaceability (Supplier)
831. Reputation (Company)
832. Reputation (Company)
833. Reputation (Partner)
834. Reputation (Retailer)
835. Reputation (Supplier)
836. Reputation (Vendor)
837. Resource Constraints (Supplier)
838. Resource Inadequacy
839. Reward System (Market-Based)
840. Risk Aversion (Top Manager’s)
841. Risk-taking (Marketing Program Development)
842. Rivalry (Interfunctional)
843. Role Ambiguity
844. Role Ambiguity (Customer Facet)
845. Role Clarity (Behavioral)
846. Role Clarity (Output)
847. Role Competence (Partner)
848. Role Conflict
849. Role Conflict
850. Role Modeling
851. Sales Presentation Effectiveness
852. Salesperson Adaptability (ADAPTS)
853. Satisfaction (Dealer)
854. Satisfaction (Job)
855. Satisfaction (Job)
856. Satisfaction (Job)
857. Satisfaction (Job)
858. Satisfaction (Manufacturer – Distributor Relationship)
859. Satisfaction (Participant)
860. Satisfaction (Relationship)
861. Satisfaction (Relationship with Manufacturer)
862. Satisfaction (Wholesaler)
863. Satisfaction With Job (General)
864. Satisfaction With Job (Sales Force)
865. Satisfaction (With Consulting Firm)
866. Satisfaction (With Coworker)
867. Satisfaction (With Past Outcomes)
868. Seeking Distance
869. Seeking Social Support
870. Selectivity (Brand)
871. Selectivity (Territory)
872. Self-Control
873. Self-Determination
874. Self-Efficacy
875. Self-Efficacy (Employee)
876. Signal Credibility
877. Signal Hostility
878. Similarity to Others in Firm (Salesperson)
879. Size (Supplier)
880. Skepticism of Salesperson Advice (Business Customer)
881. Skills and Resources (Marketing)
882. Skills and Resources (Technical)
883. Solidarity (Major Supplier with Wholesaler)
884. Solidarity (Supplier Relationship)
885. Solidarity (Wholesaler with Major Supplier)
886. Specialization
887. Spiritually Based Coping Tactics
888. Strategy (Innovation)
889. Strategy (Low Cost)
890. Supervisory Consideration
891. Supervisory Knowledge
892. Supervisory Participation
893. Supervisory Support
894. Support (Organizational)
895. Support to Foreign Distributor/Subsidiary
896. Supportive Actions (Wholesaler)
897. Switching Costs
898. Switching Costs (Vendor-Related)
899. Taking Responsibility
900. Tangible Attribute Certainty
901. Tangible Attribute Fit
902. Target Market Focus
903. Task Difficulty
904. Task Performance (Partner Relationship)
905. Technological Change
906. Technological Compatibility
907. Technological Heterogeneity
908. Technological Unpredictability
909. Time Pressure (Work)
910. Timeliness (New Product)
911. Transaction Flows
912. Transaction Specific Investments (Retailer)
913. Transaction Specific Investments (Retailer's Perception of Vendor)
914. Transaction Specific Investments (Vendor)
915. Transaction Specific Investments (Vendor's Perception of Retailer)
916. Trust (Distributor in Manufacturer)
917. Trust in Manager
918. Trust in Retailer (Benevolence)
919. Trust in Retailer (Credibility)
920. Trust in Salesperson
921. Trust in Sales Manager (Interpersonal)
922. Trust in Source of Market Intelligence
923. Trust in Supplier
924. Trust in Supplier Firm
925. Trust in Vendor (Benevolence)
926. Trust in Vendor (Credibility)
927. Turbulence (Competitive Intensity)
928. Turbulence (Market)
929. Turbulence (Technological)
930. Turnover Intentions
931. User Investment (Supplier)
932. Voice
933. Warehousing Uncertainty
934. Work Controls (Output)
935. Work Controls (Process)
936. Work Controls (Professional)
937. Work Controls (Self)
938. Work Involvement
939. Work/Family Conflict
940. Working Hard
941. Working Smart

* For information about where to find this and the other volumes, see the bottom of the Handbooks page.