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The Marketing Scales Handbooks

Volume 12 Table of Contents*

Names for the scales in the most recently published volume in the series are listed below. As in the previous volumes, multiple instances of scales with the same name (e.g., #270-#272) refer to different measures of the same construct. In contrast, in the few cases where there were multiple uses of the same or extremely similar measures during the time period covered, they were included in the same review.

  1. Action Planning (Use of the New Product)
  2. Ad Information Complexity
  3. Ad Mental Simulation (Outcome)
  4. Ad Mental Simulation (Process)
  5. Ad Message Focus (Self vs. Social)
  6. Ad Motivated Travel Interest
  7. Aesthetic Characteristic of the Food (Color)
  8. Aesthetic Characteristic of the Food (Shape)
  9. Aesthetic Characteristic of the Food (Texture)
  10. Agency (External)
  11. Agency (Personal)
  12. Agent?s Influence on the Purchase Decision
  13. Analytic/Holistic Thinking (Perception of Change)
  14. Anthropomorphism of the Object
  15. Anticipated Spousal Disapproval
  16. Anticipation of the Holiday
  17. Appeal of Images in the Website
  18. Attitude Toward Consuming the Food
  19. Attitude Toward Direction the Object is Headed in the Ad
  20. Attitude Toward Losing Weight (Eating Less vs. Exercising More)
  21. Attitude Toward Negotiating Prices
  22. Attitude Toward Punishing the Company
  23. Attitude Toward Rescue-Based Food
  24. Attitude Toward Sharing the Information
  25. Attitude Toward Shopping at the Store (Hedonic)
  26. Attitude Toward Supporting Ex-Offenders
  27. Attitude Toward the Activity (Ritualism)
  28. Attitude Toward the Ad (Prevention Focus)
  29. Attitude Toward the Ad (Promotion Focus)
  30. Attitude Toward the Ad (Warmth)
  31. Attitude Toward the Brand (High Status Reference Group)
  32. Attitude Toward the Brand Name (Competence)
  33. Attitude Toward the Company
  34. Attitude Toward the Company
  35. Attitude Toward the Deal
  36. Attitude Toward the Email Sender (Health-Related)
  37. Attitude Toward the Group?s Purpose (Benevolence)
  38. Attitude Toward the Imagination Experience
  39. Attitude Toward the Logo (Space Between Elements)
  40. Attitude Toward the Object (Attention Getting)
  41. Attitude Toward the Object (Modernness)
  42. Attitude Toward the Possession (Self-Extension)
  43. Attitude Toward the Pricing Strategy (Control)
  44. Attitude Toward the Pricing Strategy (Effort)
  45. Attitude Toward the Product (General Evaluative)
  46. Attitude Toward the Product (Greenness)
  47. Attitude Toward the Referral (Negative)
  48. Attitude Toward the Restaurants (Premium Quality)
  49. Attitude Toward the Sales Promotion (Negative)
  50. Attitude Toward the School?s Pedagogy (Independence)
  51. Attitude Toward the Smartphone (Haptic Pleasure)
  52. Attitude Toward the Smartphone (Personalness)
  53. Attitude Toward the Smartphone (Portability)
  54. Attitude Toward the Smartphone (Reassuring Presence)
  55. Attitude Toward the Smartphone (Sense of Privacy)
  56. Attitude Toward the Smartphone (Stress Relief)
  57. Attitude Toward the Tweet (Humorous)
  58. Attitude Toward the Tweet (Manipulative)
  59. Attitude Toward the Tweet (Negativity)
  60. Attitude Toward the Tweet (Surprising)
  61. Attitude Toward the Tweet (Timeliness)
  62. Attitude Toward the Website (Enjoyment)
  63. Authenticity of Purchase Decisions
  64. Authenticity of the Person
  65. Authenticity of the Person
  66. Authenticity of the Review
  67. Behavioral Intention Toward the Product in the Ad
  68. Behavioral Intentions Toward the Store (Hypothetical)
  69. Belief in Luck (State)
  70. Belief in Luck (Trait)
  71. Body Shape?s Relationship with Socioeconomic Status
  72. Body Weight Exposure
  73. Body Weight Stigma
  74. Bragging About Products Purchased
  75. Brand Agency
  76. Brand Associations Contradiction
  77. Brand Associations Contradiction Resolution
  78. Brand Attachment of the Reviewer
  79. Brand Authenticity
  80. Brand Authenticity (Continuity)
  81. Brand Authenticity (Integrity)
  82. Brand Competence
  83. Brand Exploitation
  84. Brand Familiarity
  85. Brand Familiarity
  86. Brand Interest
  87. Brand Message Authenticity
  88. Brand Nostalgia
  89. Brand Status
  90. Brand Support of Fair Trade
  91. Brand-Related Behaviors (Positive)
  92. Categorization Tendency (Chronic)
  93. Cause Involvement
  94. Charity Inefficiency
  95. Child?s Value Perception of the Product (Curiosity)
  96. Child?s Value Perception of the Product (Emotional & Functional)
  97. Child?s Value Perception of the Product (Friends)
  98. Child?s Value Perception of the Product (Monetary)
  99. Child?s Value Perception of the Product (Parents)
  100. Closeness of the Friend
  101. Cognitive Resource Demands
  102. Cognitive Weariness
  103. Comfort Felt
  104. Comfortability of the Object
  105. Communal Orientation of the Organization
  106. Communication Skills of the Salesperson
  107. Communicative Efficacy of the App
  108. Company?s Commitment to Continuous Improvement Products
  109. Comparison Motivation
  110. Compatibility of Identities (Global & Local)
  111. Competitive Intensity of the Task
  112. Complaint Likelihood (General)
  113. Congruence (Self with Ad)
  114. Congruence (Self with Message)
  115. Connectedness to the Possession
  116. Connection to Prior Owners of the Product
  117. Conscientiousness
  118. Consumption Affect
  119. Control Over Outcomes
  120. Control over Shopping Decisions
  121. Coping Strategy (Reframing & Action)
  122. CSR Motive Attributions (Egoistic)
  123. Customer Orientation of the Company
  124. Customer Orientation of the Salesperson
  125. Decision Autonomy While Being Observed
  126. Decision Elaboration
  127. Decision Readiness
  128. Decision Uncertainty
  129. Decision-Making Style
  130. Dehumanization
  131. Delay Severity
  132. Depletion of Energy (Mental & Emotional)
  133. Desirability of the Store?s Assortment
  134. Desire for Abundance
  135. Desire for Consensus
  136. Desire to Vent About the Company
  137. Determination of the Company?s Founders
  138. Diagnosticity of Funders? Contributions
  139. Dialectical Thinking
  140. Diet Restriction
  141. Difficulty of the Construction
  142. Digestion Capability
  143. Disadvantaged Company
  144. Disgust With the Person in the Ad
  145. Donation Likelihood
  146. Donation Request (Identifiable Victim Frame)
  147. Donation Reward Attractiveness
  148. Ease of the Action
  149. Efficacy of the Customer Service
  150. Efficacy of the Energy Drink
  151. Efficacy of the Household Cleaner
  152. Emotional Ability Similarity
  153. Emotional Information Exchange
  154. Emotional Intolerance
  155. Empathy for the Business
  156. Empathy for the Provider
  157. Encouragement Felt After Making the Decision
  158. Endorsement Motivation (Inferred Intrinsic)
  159. Endowment Effect from eWOM
  160. Energy Inference
  161. Engagement in Reading About the Brand
  162. Engagement in the Experience
  163. Enjoyment of Looking at the Pictures
  164. Enjoyment of the Meal
  165. Enrollment Likelihood
  166. Entitativity of the Brand
  167. Entitlement
  168. Ethnicity of the Person in the Ad
  169. Exchange Inequity (Positive)
  170. Exchange Orientation of the Organization
  171. Fashion Consciousness
  172. Fear of Pharmaceutical Side-Effects
  173. Fear
  174. Fillingness of the Food
  175. Financial Infidelity (Current vs. Past Relationship Comparison)
  176. Financial Infidelity Proneness
  177. Financial Responsibility Savings Decision
  178. Financial Responsibility
  179. Flattery
  180. Food Care During Production (Human)
  181. Food Care During Production (Machine)
  182. Food for Performance
  183. Food Involvement
  184. Food Preparation Difficulty
  185. Freshness of the Cooked Food
  186. Friend?s Expected Attitude About Being Referred (Positive)
  187. Goal Conflict
  188. Gratitude
  189. Haptic Imagery Vividness (Product-Related)
  190. Harmfulness of the Reported Issue
  191. Healthcare Seeking Likelihood
  192. Healthiness of the Food
  193. Healthiness of the Food
  194. Hope (State)
  195. Identity-Balance Difficulty
  196. Imagery About Eating
  197. Imagery of Food Products Linked to Physical Waste
  198. Imagery Vividness
  199. Importance of Product Quantity in the Package (Maximizing)
  200. Importance of Product Quantity in the Package (Minimizing)
  201. Impulsiveness
  202. Inauthenticity of Product Consumption
  203. Intention to Visit
  204. Inter-Identity Association
  205. Investment in The Relationship (Romantic)
  206. Involvement With the Product Category
  207. Knowledge of Fair Trade Certification
  208. Knowledge of the Brand (Other Person)
  209. Lack of Control (Life)
  210. Likelihood of Supporting the Team
  211. Loneliness Due to Social Isolation
  212. Loyalty to the Agent
  213. Loyalty to the Service Provider
  214. Luxuriousness of the Fashion Brands
  215. Makeup Usage Motivation (Concealment)
  216. Makeup Usage Motivation (Creation)
  217. Marketplace Literacy
  218. Maximizing (Alternative Search)
  219. Maximizing (Decision Difficulty)
  220. Maximizing (High Standards)
  221. Meaningfulness of the Product Experience
  222. Memory Efficacy
  223. Memory Vividness of the Encounter
  224. Metaphor Strength (Up = More & Down = Less)
  225. Moral Identity via Charitable Donations
  226. Moral Self-Perception (State)
  227. Movement Perception of the Visual Pattern
  228. Narcissism (Trait)
  229. Naturalness of the Food
  230. Negotiation Legitimacy
  231. Negotiation Risk
  232. New Information Affecting the Decision
  233. Normality
  234. Novelty of the Product
  235. Nutrition Involvement
  236. Opportunism
  237. Parental Mediation of Child?s Online Activity (Active)
  238. Payment Level Motivation
  239. Personal Data Disclosure Benefits
  240. Personal Data Disclosure Risks
  241. Personal Mastery
  242. Physical Waste Associations
  243. Place Attachment
  244. Power Distance in Society
  245. Power Distance in Society
  246. Powerlessness (State)
  247. Preference for Moderation
  248. Preference for Organic Products
  249. Preference for Surgery
  250. Preoccupation with the Food
  251. Prestigiousness of the Object
  252. Prettiness (General)
  253. Privacy Concerns (Data Accuracy)
  254. Privacy Concerns (Data Secondary Usage)
  255. Privacy Concerns About the Website
  256. Processing Fluency (General)
  257. Product as an Undue Privilege
  258. Product Display (Interspatial)
  259. Product Heaviness Desired
  260. Product Heterogeneity
  261. Product Inseparability (Production & Consumption)
  262. Product Intangibility
  263. Product In-Use Value
  264. Product Need
  265. Product Perishability
  266. Product Preference (Company)
  267. Product Preference (Purchase)
  268. Product Preference (Quality)
  269. Product Price and Volume Simultaneous Changes (Typicality)
  270. Product Purchase Interest
  271. Product Purchase Interest
  272. Product Purchase Interest
  273. Product Purchase Savings
  274. Product Usage Affect (Anticipated)
  275. Product Value as a Possession
  276. Prosperity
  277. Protective Behavior Intentions (COVID)
  278. Psychological Ownership of Borrowed Money
  279. Purchase as Helping (Peer-to-Peer)
  280. Purchase Importance
  281. Purchase Motivation (Promoting Company Equality)
  282. Quality of the Product
  283. Quality of the Romantic Alternatives
  284. Realism of the Object
  285. Reciprocity (State)
  286. Recommendation Concerns
  287. Recommendation Fit
  288. Recommendation of the Real Estate Agent
  289. Referral Costs
  290. Regret (Anticipated Inaction to the Sale)
  291. Relationship Norm Orientation (Communal vs. Exchange)
  292. Relationship Quality
  293. Relaxation Inference
  294. Religion of the Person in the Ad
  295. Religiosity (Behavioral)
  296. Religiosity (Cognitive)
  297. Religiosity (Confidence)
  298. Reluctance to Criticize Companies
  299. Resource Demands of the Task
  300. Resources Needed to Join the Group (Non-Monetary)
  301. Response Context (Public/Private)
  302. Responsibility (Individual)
  303. Responsibility (Sharing)
  304. Review Fairness
  305. Review Helpfulness
  306. Review Writing Enjoyment
  307. Review Writing Pressure
  308. Reviewer?s Effort
  309. Reward Seeking
  310. Riskiness of Eating the Food
  311. Salesperson?s Attention to the Customer
  312. Salience of the Stock Price?s Visual Transitions
  313. Satisfaction (Interaction with Partner)
  314. Satisfaction (Post-Recovery)
  315. Satisfaction with the Problem?s Resolution
  316. Satisfaction with the Relationship (Romantic)
  317. Satisfaction with the Salesperson
  318. Scarcity of Resources
  319. Scarcity of Resources (Personal)
  320. Security of the Financial App
  321. Self-Concealment
  322. Self-Diagnosticity
  323. Self-Disclosure (Censorship)
  324. Self-Disclosure (Intimate Information)
  325. Self-Disclosure (Lack of Censorship)
  326. Self-Efficacy (Creative)
  327. Self-Efficacy (Eating Healthy)
  328. Self-Efficacy (Help End the Behavior)
  329. Self-Efficacy (Mental Health)
  330. Self-Focus
  331. Self-Focus
  332. Self-Referencing
  333. Self-Reputation Concern
  334. Self-Transcendence
  335. Sense of Proximity
  336. Sensitive Nature of the Ad
  337. Sensitive Nature of the Product
  338. Serendipity (Movie Trailer)
  339. Serendipity (Painting)
  340. Serendipity (Products)
  341. Serendipity (Song)
  342. Service Quality (Expected Outcome)
  343. Service Quality of the Employees
  344. Service Quality of the Real Estate Agent (Anticipated)
  345. Similarity of Endorsers
  346. Similarity to Another Person
  347. Similarity to Other People
  348. Slow Motion in the Video
  349. Smartphone In-Store Usage for Brand Information
  350. Smartphone In-Store Usage for Product Information
  351. Smartphone Similarity
  352. Sociability of the Person
  353. Social Consequences of the Choice (Negative)
  354. Social Devaluation of Joining the Group (Anticipated)
  355. Social Distance with the Mentally Ill
  356. Social Efficacy of the App
  357. Social Empowerment Within the Group (Anticipated)
  358. Social Engagement of the Object
  359. Social Presence
  360. Social Status of the Attendees
  361. Social Worth
  362. Socioeconomic Status
  363. Spare Money
  364. Spending Implies Wealth
  365. Stock Risk Based on Price Transitions
  366. Stress (Environmental)
  367. Subjective Knowledge of the Product Class (Before Entering Store)
  368. Superiority (Purchase-Related)
  369. Sympathy of the Business
  370. Taste Evaluation (General)
  371. Thinking About GOD (State)
  372. Threat to Freedom
  373. Threat to Freedom (Message)
  374. Tightness (Normative Expectations for the Society)
  375. Travel Likelihood to the Foreign Country
  376. Trust in the Personnel
  377. Trust in the Retailer
  378. Trust in the Robo Advisor (Affective)
  379. Typicality of Message Phrasing (High-End Brand)
  380. Uncertainty Avoidance
  381. Underdog (Start-Up)
  382. Usefulness of the Employee?s Information
  383. Validity
  384. Value of Self-Expression
  385. Value of the Product
  386. Value of the Product
  387. Volatility
  388. Warm Food ? Calorie Richness Relationship
  389. Warm Glow From Being Altruistic
  390. Warm Glow From Doing Something Good
  391. Warm Glow from Purchasing the Fair Trade Product
  392. Warm Glow from Using the Object
  393. Warmth of the Brand
  394. Warmth of the Brand
  395. Weather?s Effect on Mood (Positive)
  396. Willingness to Buy the Product Recommended by the Salesperson
  397. Willingness to Disclose on the Device
  398. Willingness to Provide Information
  399. Willingness to Provide Personal Information
  400. Worries About the Crisis (COVID-19)

* If you are interested in this volume, download a sample to see more of the book's contents.