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The Marketing Scales Handbooks

Volume 8 Table of Contents*

As in the previous volumes, multiple instances of scales with the same title (e.g., #8 and #9) refer to different measures of the same construct. In contrast, when there were multiple uses of the same or very similar measures during the time period covered, they were included in the same review.

  1. Ad Attribute Importance (Artistic Originality)
  2. Ad Attribute Importance (Authenticity)
  3. Ad Attribute Importance (Executional Quality)
  4. Ad Claim’s Precision
  5. Ad Headline Metaphoric Level
  6. Affirmation of Customers
  7. Aloneness
  8. Analytic/Holistic Thinking Style
  9. Analytic/Holistic Thinking Style
  10. Anger
  11. Anger (Empathetic)
  12. Animosity Toward Outsourced Countries
  13. Anxiety (General)
  14. Anxiety (Purchase)
  15. Appropriateness of the Warranty Time Units
  16. Attachment Avoidance
  17. Attachment to a Person
  18. Attachment to the Company (Anxiety)
  19. Attachment to the Company (Comforting)
  20. Attention Overload
  21. Attitude Toward Advergames for Children (Negative)
  22. Attitude Toward Advergames for Children (Positive)
  23. Attitude Toward Advertising (Credibility)
  24. Attitude Toward Advertising (Entertaining)
  25. Attitude Toward Advertising (General)
  26. Attitude Toward Advertising (Good for Economy)
  27. Attitude Toward Advertising (Informative)
  28. Attitude Toward Advertising (Materialism)
  29. Attitude Toward Advertising (Social Role)
  30. Attitude Toward Consuming the Food
  31. Attitude Toward In-Game Advertising (Believability)
  32. Attitude Toward In-Game Advertising (Entertaining)
  33. Attitude Toward In-Game Advertising (General)
  34. Attitude Toward In-Game Advertising (Realism Enhancement)
  35. Attitude Toward Offshoring
  36. Attitude Toward Personalized Advertising (Benefits)
  37. Attitude Toward Personalized Advertising (Irritating)
  38. Attitude Toward Puzzles
  39. Attitude Toward Reading
  40. Attitude Toward Shopping Websites (Aesthetics)
  41. Attitude Toward Shopping Websites (Community)
  42. Attitude Toward Shopping Websites (Customization)
  43. Attitude Toward Shopping Websites (Information Benefits)
  44. Attitude Toward the Ad (Affective)
  45. Attitude Toward the Ad (Deceptive)
  46. Attitude Toward the Ad (Humorous)
  47. Attitude Toward the Ad (Relevance)
  48. Attitude Toward the Ad (Trustworthiness)
  49. Attitude Toward the Brand Extension
  50. Attitude Toward the Brand Extension
  51. Attitude Toward the Brand
  52. Attitude Toward the Brand
  53. Attitude Toward the Cause
  54. Attitude Toward the Company (Social Responsibility)
  55. Attitude Toward the Company's Communications
  56. Attitude Toward the Experience
  57. Attitude Toward the Game
  58. Attitude Toward the Game
  59. Attitude Toward the Hiking Boots
  60. Attitude Toward the Hotel
  61. Attitude Toward the Movie (General)
  62. Attitude Toward the Object (Disgusting)
  63. Attitude Toward the Person
  64. Attitude Toward the Pricing Policy
  65. Attitude Toward the Promotional Offer
  66. Attitude Toward the Responsible Drinking Ad (Challenge Appraisals)
  67. Attitude Toward the Responsible Drinking Ad (Threat Appraisals)
  68. Attitude Toward the Retailer (General Evaluative)
  69. Attitude Toward the Salesperson (Informative)
  70. Attitude Toward the Store Brand
  71. Attitude Toward Touching
  72. Attitude Toward Word-of-Mouth (Being Helpful)
  73. Attitude Toward Word-of-Mouth (Self-Appraisal)
  74. Attitude Toward Word-of-Mouth (Self-Enhancement)
  75. Attitude Toward Word-of-Mouth (Social Bonding)
  76. Attitude Toward Word-of-Mouth (Social Comparison)
  77. Attitude Toward Word-of-Mouth (Teach Cultural Values)
  78. Attractiveness (General)
  79. Authenticity of the Story
  80. Availability of Green Products
  81. Avoidance of Personalized Advertising
  82. Awareness of Surroundings
  83. Behavior of Other Customers (Suitability)
  84. Benefits of Organic Food
  85. Brand Anthropomorphism
  86. Brand Consciousness
  87. Brand Equity
  88. Brand Extension Authenticity (Avoiding Exploitation)
  89. Brand Extension Authenticity (Honoring Heritage)
  90. Brand Extension Authenticity (Maintaining Standards & Style)
  91. Brand Extension Authenticity (Preserving Essence)
  92. Brand Extension Fit (Functional)
  93. Brand Extension Fit (Image)
  94. Brand Extension Fit (Relevance)
  95. Brand Extension Fit (Similarity)
  96. Brand Extension Fit (Similarity)
  97. Brand Globalness
  98. Brand Image (Conservative)
  99. Brand Image (Innovative)
  100. Brand Improvement
  101. Brand Schematicity
  102. Brand Usage (Conspicuousness)
  103. Brand Values (Openness)
  104. Brand Values (Self-Enhancement)
  105. Brand Values (Socially Responsible)
  106. Cause Participation Via Purchase
  107. Change (General)
  108. Charitable Behaviors (Social Reinforcement)
  109. Choice Difficulty
  110. Choice Maximization
  111. Cognitive Resource Demands
  112. Cognitive Resource Demands
  113. Commercial Friendship Likelihood
  114. Commitment to Sustainability in a Social Medium (Internalization)
  115. Commitment to Sustainability in a Social Medium (Involvement)
  116. Commitment to Sustainability in a Social Medium (Responsibility)
  117. Communication Encouragement (Parent/Child)
  118. Company Profit-Maximization
  119. Company Reputation (Dependability)
  120. Competitive Intensity of the Brand
  121. Competitive Interpersonal Interaction
  122. Compliance with Norms to Purchase Green Products
  123. Composting Intention
  124. Conceptual Fluency of the Brand
  125. Congruence (Self with Product)
  126. Consequences of Unhealthy Eating (Severity)
  127. Consequences of Unhealthy Eating (Vulnerability)
  128. Conservation Behavior
  129. Conservation Intention (Paper)
  130. Conspicuous Logo Preference
  131. Consumption Experiences (Confidence Building)
  132. Consumption Experiences (Novelty Seeking)
  133. Consumption Experiences (Social Benefits)
  134. Consumption Knowledge (Breadth)
  135. Consumption Knowledge (Depth)
  136. Controllability of Shopping Websites
  137. Country’s Need for Help
  138. Country-of-Origin Product Image (General)
  139. Country-of-Origin Product Image (General)
  140. Creativity (Personal)
  141. Creativity (Personal)
  142. Creativity of the Product
  143. Credibility of Brand-Related Communications
  144. Currency Conversion Ease
  145. Decision Closure
  146. Decision Importance
  147. Diet Restriction
  148. Dieting Expertise
  149. Difficulty Writing about the Experience
  150. Discomfort (Physical)
  151. Discomfort (Social)
  152. Discount Calculation Ease
  153. Distraction During the Study
  154. Donation Intention
  155. Ease of Justifying a Moral Position
  156. Eating Behavior (Emotional)
  157. Eating Behavior (Restraint)
  158. Eating Control Behavior
  159. Eating Control Confidence
  160. Ecocentrism
  161. Edibility of the Product
  162. Effectiveness of the Treatment for a Lethal Condition
  163. Efficacy of Another's Response to One's Participation
  164. E-Mail Forwarding Ability
  165. E-Mail Opening Ability
  166. Empathy
  167. Engagement (General)
  168. Engagement with the Program
  169. Environmentalism (Activist Behavior)
  170. Environmentalism (Apathy)
  171. Environmentalism (Purchasing Behavior)
  172. Environmentalism (Purchasing Behavior)
  173. Environmentalism (Reducing Air Pollution)
  174. Environmentalism (Reducing Pollution)
  175. Environmentalism (Social Norms)
  176. Environmentalism (Solid Waste Reduction)
  177. Environmentalism (Sustainability Importance)
  178. Envy
  179. Exchange Equity (Across Customers)
  180. Expertise (General)
  181. Expertise with Green Products
  182. Expertise with Video Games
  183. Fairness of the Return Shipping Policy
  184. Fear of Disapproval
  185. Financial Well-Being
  186. Fit (Ad with Product)
  187. Fit (Brand-Brand)
  188. Focus on Friends
  189. Food Salience
  190. Gambling Decision Difficulty
  191. Game Playing Arousal
  192. Game Playing Enjoyment
  193. Goal Attainment Motivation
  194. Green Products Identification Ability
  195. Group Belongingness (Future)
  196. Group Heterogeneity
  197. Guilt
  198. Guilt
  199. Guilt (Expected)
  200. Health Benefits of the Product (Immediate)
  201. Health Benefits of the Product (Long-term)
  202. Health Consciousness
  203. Health Risk Assessment
  204. Health Risk Assessment
  205. Homophily
  206. Hoping for an Ideal Product
  207. Identity Synergy
  208. Imagery Fluency
  209. Importance (General)
  210. Impression Management
  211. Information Load
  212. Innovation Ability (Company’s)
  213. Innovation Ability (Company’s)
  214. Innovativeness (Technological)
  215. Innovativeness Importance (Technological)
  216. Intention to Download the Coupon
  217. Intention to Play the Game
  218. Intention to Use the Lawyer
  219. Involvement in the Task
  220. Justice (Procedural)
  221. Justice (Procedural)
  222. Justice Concerns about Others
  223. Justice Efficacy (Purchase of Free Trade Products)
  224. Justice Restoration Efficacy (Purchase of Free Trade Products)
  225. Justice Restoration Potential
  226. Justice Restoration Potential (Purchase of Fair Trade Products)
  227. Knowledge (Subjective)
  228. Knowledge of Financial Products (Objective)
  229. Knowledge of Product Component Prices
  230. Knowledge of Stores' Prices
  231. Knowledge of the Investment (Subjective)
  232. Knowledge of the Product Class
  233. Knowledge of Vitamins (Subjective)
  234. Legitimation of Online Gambling (Normative)
  235. Likelihood of Trying the Medication
  236. Loneliness (Emotional)
  237. Loneliness (General)
  238. Loneliness (Social)
  239. Loyalty to the Retailer
  240. Loyalty to the Store
  241. Maladaptive Responses to the Environmental Challenge
  242. Mathematical Strength
  243. Moral Decoupling of a Person’s Actions
  244. Morality of the Brand
  245. Multicomponent Product Systems (Combination/Integration)
  246. Need for Human Interaction (Store Checkout)
  247. Need to Belong
  248. New Product Ideas (Designer Constraints)
  249. New Product Ideas (Designer Diversity)
  250. New Product Ideas (Designer Quantity)
  251. Novelty (General)
  252. Outrage at the Church Practice
  253. Packaging's Role in Controlling Consumption
  254. Participation (Patient with Physician)
  255. Participation Enjoyment (Service Process)
  256. Performance of the Athlete
  257. Performance of the CEO
  258. Performance of the Governor
  259. Persuasion Resistance
  260. Physical Appearance of Other Customers
  261. Preference for Numerical Information
  262. Pressure to Conform in an Evaluation
  263. Prestige of Consuming the Product
  264. Prestige of the Behaviors (Comparative)
  265. Price Equity (Insurance Premiums)
  266. Price Knowledge Confidence (Product Category)
  267. Pride
  268. Pride in Game Playing Performance
  269. Privacy Concerns with Personalized Advertising
  270. Product Contamination from Other Customers
  271. Product Effectiveness
  272. Product Effectiveness (Concentratedness)
  273. Product Evaluation (Food)
  274. Product Scarcity
  275. Product Sharing Knowledge
  276. Product Sharing Likelihood
  277. Production Effort
  278. Public Transportation Usage Intention
  279. Publicness/Privateness of Consumption
  280. Purchase Dissimilarity
  281. Purchase Intention (Company’s Products)
  282. Quality of Green Products
  283. Quality of Product Manufacturing
  284. Quality of the Brand
  285. Quality of the Brand
  286. Quality of the Brand
  287. Quality of the Brand Extension
  288. Reactance
  289. Recommending a Friend
  290. Reconciling With the Company
  291. Recycling Benefits
  292. Regret about Purchasing from the Retailer
  293. Relationship Importance (Customer with Business)
  294. Relative Dullness of Two Ads
  295. Relevance of the Story
  296. Reliability of the Brand
  297. Religious Commitment
  298. Repurchase Intention (Shopping Websites)
  299. Resentment
  300. Response Efficacy (Following Nutritional Guidelines)
  301. Responsibility for Product Return (Retailer)
  302. Responsibility for Product Return (Self)
  303. Reversal of the Story
  304. Risk (Product Scarcity)
  305. Risk of Buying an Unfamiliar Brand
  306. Satisfaction with Shopping Websites
  307. Satisfaction with the Medical Service
  308. Satisfaction with the Recovery Process
  309. Satisfaction with the Shopping Experience
  310. Saving Money
  311. Self-Accountability
  312. Self-Awareness (Private)
  313. Self-Control (Spending)
  314. Self-Efficacy (Following Nutritional Guidelines)
  315. Self-Efficacy (High)
  316. Self-Efficacy (Low)
  317. Self-Efficacy (Participation)
  318. Self-Efficacy (Recovery)
  319. Self-Efficacy (Self-Service Checkout Technology)
  320. Self-Image Congruence with the Event
  321. Self-Integration in Production
  322. Self-View
  323. Self-View
  324. Sharing (Social Utility)
  325. Shopping Control When With Others
  326. Shopping Intention
  327. Shopping Intimacy
  328. Shopping Orientation (Price vs. Quality)
  329. Shopping Orientation (Task Completion)
  330. Similarity to Another Person
  331. Similarity to Other Customers
  332. Similarity to the Ad Creator
  333. Skepticism of Retailer’s Advertised Prices
  334. Skepticism of the Low-Price Guarantee
  335. Skepticism Toward the Price Information in the Ad
  336. Social Media Usage
  337. Social Status Insecurity
  338. Sophistication (General)
  339. Spending Control Failure (Psychological Consequences)
  340. Store Attributes Beliefs
  341. Store's Price-related Image
  342. Stressfulness (General)
  343. Substitutability of a Shared vs. Owned Product
  344. Superiority (Social)
  345. Support for Customers
  346. Suspensefulness of the Object
  347. Suspicion of an Ulterior Motive
  348. Switching Costs (Store Checkout Method)
  349. Targetedness of the Ad
  350. Taste Evaluation
  351. Taste Evaluation
  352. Telepresence
  353. Telepresence (Internet Shopping)
  354. Telepresence (Negative Physiological Responses)
  355. Temporal Orientation (Present)
  356. Threatened
  357. Time Pressure (Grocery Shopping)
  358. Tiredness from Exercise
  359. Trust in Companies Producing Green Products
  360. Trust in Companies Selling Fair Trade Products
  361. Trust in Internet Shopping
  362. Trust in Internet Shopping
  363. Trust in the Brand
  364. Trust in the Online Store
  365. Trust in the Salesperson
  366. Trust in the Salesperson
  367. Trust in the Store
  368. Typicality (General)
  369. Typicality of Message Phrasing
  370. Typicality of the Brand Strategy
  371. Uncertainty of Downsizing Effects
  372. Understanding the Experience
  373. Uniqueness of the Brand
  374. Value of the Magazine
  375. Values (Altruistic)
  376. Viral E-Mail Forwarding (Opportunity)
  377. Viral E-Mail Opening (Opportunity)
  378. Viral E-Mail Opening (Subject Relevance)
  379. Visual Appeal
  380. Warmth
  381. Website Interactivity (Speed of Response)
  382. Willingness to Pay a Price Premium
  383. Willingness to Play the Game Again
  384. Willingness to Purchase the Company's Products
  385. Willingness to Support the Politician After a Scandal
  386. Willingness to Try the Snack Food
  387. Word-of-Mouth (Positive)
  388. Word-of-Mouth Intention (Positive)
  389. Word-of-Mouth Likelihood (Negative)
  390. Word-of-Mouth Likelihood (Negative)
  391. Word-of-Mouth Likelihood (Positive)
  392. Worry

* If you are interested in this volume, download a sample to see more of the book's contents.